image of therapist setting up for appointment request

Myofascial Decompression: What is it?

A manual modality that is the only one decompressive in nature; think opposite of foam rolling and all other forms of self myofascial release. It utilizes negative pressure on soft tissue and muscles to improve tissue gliding and mobility. How does it differ from traditional cupping?Cupping is an ancient eastern medicine treatment that has been … Continue reading Myofascial Decompression: What is it?

What is acute low back pain?

Acute low back pain is pain that ranges from 0-12 weeks in nature that may or may not radiate beyond the back. Typically, the pain is nonspecific and has a progressive onset over time. In situations where the individual does not demonstrate significant trauma, major or progressive motor or sensory deficits, new onset of bowel … Continue reading What is acute low back pain?

Three Strengthening Exercises to Improve Your Posture

In a world dominated by technology that draws our body forward, down and around and a exercise based system that is obsessed with what we can see more than we can feel our shoulders are at a LARGE disadvantage. When it comes to our phones or computers, we have become slaves to the information that … Continue reading Three Strengthening Exercises to Improve Your Posture

Cross Training For U

When training for a specific task, we know that sports specificity is key. If you want to get better at running, you run. Although we want to be better at a certain task, that does not mean we should be exclusive to that one field. Currently, modern society is obsessed with early age specialization where … Continue reading Cross Training For U

Advanced Hip Mobility

On a day to day basis the majority of us are sitting, sitting and doing more sitting. Sitting on our drive to work while stuck in traffic, sitting at our desk from 8am-5pm, sitting for all of our meals and sitting for some entertainment as well. Then, it’s decided that a workout, a run, a … Continue reading Advanced Hip Mobility

Optimizing Performance With Nutrition

With Austin Kjergaard owner of Full Body Physique and natural pro bodybuilder: Many people workout regularly but they struggle to consume the right nutrients to help them with their physical performance. Mistakes that I commonly see with people and their nutrition is that they tend to not consume enough protein, the wrong types of carbohydrates, and … Continue reading Optimizing Performance With Nutrition

cash-based therapy FAQ

Cash-Based Physical Therapy FAQ

Terms to know about cash-based physical therapy:  Deductible: How much you have to pay before your insurance kicks inCo-Pay: This is a fixed amount that you pay for a covered health care service after you’ve paid your deductibleCo-Insurance: You are responsible for a percentage of costs for health care services after you have paid your … Continue reading Cash-Based Physical Therapy FAQ

Overcoming the Desk Jockey Mentality

It’s hour 6 of your 8 hour shift where you feel like you have been trapped at your desk for much longer than what the clock indicates. You start to find yourself fidgeting more in your chair, shifting one direction to the next to avoid the next chapter of this 8 hour day. But, it … Continue reading Overcoming the Desk Jockey Mentality

Why PT First?

Here is a list of procedures & interventions with average cost common in the United States: MRI: $2,600Anterior Neck Fusion: $44,000Decompression surgery: $24,000Lumbar Spinal Fusion: $34,500Torn Meniscus: $5,000TKA: $31,000THA: $30,000Arthroscopic Shoulder Surgery: $26,000 Common Surgery Breakdown Surgical & Therapy Fun Facts: Blue Cross Blue Shield performed a study that shows 17% increase in knee replacements … Continue reading Why PT First?

Runners 6: Exercises to Improve Each Mile

Running is predominately a fwd/bwd movement so the majority of athletes believe this is home, & where they need to live to build this foundation. One thing we must realize is that not every stride is perfect, not every path we run is even & as much as the lower extremities move fwd to bwd … Continue reading Runners 6: Exercises to Improve Each Mile