Empower U


Cross Training For U

August 1, 2020

When training for a specific task, we know that sports specificity is key. If you want to get better at running, you run. Although we want to be better at a certain task, that does not mean we should be exclusive to that one field. Currently, modern society is obsessed with early age specialization where young individuals are being tasked with being single sport athletes. Early specialization has led to an increase in burn out rate, increased overuse injury rate & decreased motor skills essential to young adult development. For the general population, specialization or the obsession with one form of fitness can place enormous amounts of stress on joints & muscles of specific movement pattern. So, what happens when we don’t have a perfect training days for our specialized area? We are then placed at risk for injury & the cure isn’t a medication to mask the pain but new movement patterns can be.

Cross training is defined as being trained in more than one skill. By changing up & confusing our movement patterns with new exercises or tasks we are able to improve our overall ability by engaging new muscle groups. Let’s take runners for example; they work front to back day in & day out. Arm swing front to back, legs drive & kick & then run to complete the miles within desired time. What most don’t realize is the body is performing rotation of the mid-spine on each stride while the hips are attempting to balance the body each stride. Weak hips, tight hips, or tight mid-spine can lead to low back pain, knee pain or the body finding a movement pattern that is less efficient. Now add in yoga, or kick boxing to this individual’s routine to engage the tight or weak hips & improve rotational movements. We have now improved our runner’s efficiency, decrease rate of injury & lessened the likelihood of burnout.

Challenge for the week: try something new. Swim, weightlifting, hot yoga, running, kick boxing or martial arts.Injury setback? No worries, cross training is also effective at maintaining strength & cardiovascular endurance during recovery periods.

Cross training is effective. Cross training can limit burn out. Cross training is GREAT for U

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