Empower U


Shoulder Pain/Pinching with The Overhead Athlete

August 3, 2022

Almost every overhead athlete deals with shoulder pain/pinching at some point in their career. Whether you are currently experiencing symptoms or trying to prevent issues that may occur from a grueling season, here are 3 areas that respond great to soft tissue mobilizations.

  • Teres Major: works as a synergist to the lat, meaning that it performs the same movement. This is huge in the acceleration aspect of throwing, spiking, hitting, etc.
  • Middle Trap/Rhomboids: An area that gets very tender that does a lot of the work in the cocking phase of throwing, spiking, hitting and is necessary in the deceleration phase of throwing, also.
  • Pec Minor: A muscle that can get accessed on the front of the shoulder and makes it very difficult to get to the layback position of throwing, spiking, hitting while tight. A person may notice a pinch in their shoulder if this muscle gets tight.

Performing each drill for 1 minute, 1-2 times per day may be a huge help of staying on top of that midseason soreness. Give these a try and see if they reduce your symptoms.

If symptoms are not relieving and you would like to get your shoulder assessed, send us a DM!

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