Five Reasons to Try Dry Needling

Dry needling is a significant part of our practice here at Empower U. All three of our performance therapists are certified in dry needling and used it frequently with patients as part of a comprehensive plan of care. Here are five reasons to try dry needling:

five reasons to try dry needling
  1. It can quickly relieve pain – dry needling has the ability to decrease pain…QUICKLY. It introduces a novel sensory input to the body which affects the brain and central nervous system allowing your body to “RESET” the pain. We always look for a painful test that recreates your pain before dry needling, then, following treatment, re-test to show its effectiveness.
  2. It has the ability to impact deeper structures – dry needling gives us the chance to reach deeper structures like the Multifidus in the low back and Gluteus Minimus in the hip, which is physically impossible to reach with other soft tissue techniques such as using a foam roller or lacrosse ball
  3. It can improve performance – recent studies have shown a significant improvement with vertical jump height 48 hours after dry needling. If you’re in the midst of training for a race or event, dry needling can help regardless if pain is present.
  4. It aids in recovery from performance – with dry needling to large muscle groups such as the quads, glutes, and calves we can improve recovery times and decrease soreness post-performance. Using e-stim to the dry needles, we can recreate a low-level muscle pump to help activate the lymphatic system and decrease lactic acid build-up.
  5. It is safe and specific – when receiving dry needling treatment, be confident in knowing that all of our performance therapists go through extensive training and advanced skill acquisition to be precise when performing this modality. Research shows that major adverse events are very rare when dry needling is performed by an experienced clinician.

We hope you’ve enjoyed our five reasons to try dry needling. Comment below or message us if you would like to set up an appointment to try a dry needling session!