
Exercise Effects

Exercise effects on depression, anxiety & distress

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but we are getting to THAT time of year again. Yes, I am talking about the shorter days, wind & eventual snow. As we transition into winter months here in South Dakota there tends to be an uptick in the ‘seasonal blues’, which is better known … Continue reading Exercise effects on depression, anxiety & distress

Importance of the Off Season

The Importance of the Off Season

We have just wrapped up our seasons a few weeks ago. Our body is tired, sore, bruised, tight, and about every other adjective a person can use to describe being worn out. However, now is the start of another season, the offseason. Now is the time that we get the opportunity to start preparing for … Continue reading The Importance of the Off Season

Performance Physical Therapy

The Negative Effects of Forward Head Posture

The cervical spine is designed to serve a multitude of unique biomechanical functions. Aside from supporting the head on the body, it acts as a ‘shock absorber’ for the internal neural structures (brain & spinal cord). Its various foramen allows for passage of various nerves to travel distally to all parts of the extremities. To … Continue reading The Negative Effects of Forward Head Posture

Ankle Sprain

Early Ankle Sprain Management

It is that time of year again - later in the summer, when many people are getting excited for the brisk fall air, pumpkins, and football. Not too long, we will have a foot of that white stuff that we call snow (at least up here in the Midwest). With that, basketball season rolls around. … Continue reading Early Ankle Sprain Management

Experiencing Pain

How to modify an exercise when you’re experiencing pain

For those individuals who live an active lifestyle and fitness is a part of daily life, injuries are ultimately inevitable. While experiencing an injury may be a frustrating and/or debilitating time, it does not mean the active lifestyle needs to stop. In fact, research has shown that a more ‘progressive recovery’ is more beneficial than … Continue reading How to modify an exercise when you’re experiencing pain

Chin Tuck | Headache Pain

Your double chin… why it matters!

When was the last time you looked in the mirror and were impressed by your ‘double chin’? If I had to take a guess, the answer is probably never! BUT…what if I told you how well & how long you can hold this ‘double chin’ position (for those who are familiar, the ‘chin tuck’) may … Continue reading Your double chin… why it matters!

Early Sport Specialization

Early Sport Specialization

Let’s start off by defining “Early Sport Specialization”. According to Meyer, et al., this is defined as a child that spends at least 8 months per year playing, training, or practicing only one sport. This has been heavily debated for the last decade or so, but let’s take a deeper dive into some pros and … Continue reading Early Sport Specialization

Knee Injury

The Importance of Jump Training to Prevent Knee Injury

Many athletic movements, such as running, jumping, and cutting are inherently unstable and require neuromuscular control to maintain stability and improve performance. A system with poor neuromuscular stability cannot be controlled properly and at some point, will become unstable. Consequently, impaired ‘core’ proprioception may lead to impaired neuromuscular control of the hips, which in turn … Continue reading The Importance of Jump Training to Prevent Knee Injury

Why cash-based physical therapy?

As a cash-based physical therapy company, our team spends a significant amount of time explaining insurance to our clients. In-network, out-of-network, high-deductible, low-deductible, out-of-pocket maximum, the list goes on and on.... We often get asked, why do we do it? The short answer... it's the right thing to do. The long answer... In today's market, … Continue reading Why cash-based physical therapy?

When to Stop Drinking Caffeine… say it isn’t so!

A question to pose…is there a time when we should stop drinking caffeine throughout our day in order to allow ourselves to have the best quality sleep? The answer might surprise (and disappoint) many of us! If you rely on caffeine throughout your day I would recommend you stop reading now… In an article published … Continue reading When to Stop Drinking Caffeine… say it isn’t so!