1. Start with the feet shoulder width apart and in a comfortable stance. At this point we want our toes facing forward or a (very) slight turned out foot. In this position we are creating proper alignment of the joints to take advantage of our ability to move. 2. Keeping the base of the big … Continue reading The Basics to a Healthy Squat Form
Author: Nathan LeMaster
Post Partum: Finding Your Routine Again
When growing your tiny human the body releases hormones called relaxin that are present to assist in the birthing process to allow the hips & joints to move more freely. Relaxin can stay in mom’s system for months following birth which can lead to the feeling of joint instability during daily routines. Other changes the … Continue reading Post Partum: Finding Your Routine Again
Tension Type Headache: Finding Relief
Typical Signs & Symptoms: Pain is typically describes as dull, pressure like, constricting or giving a sense of fullness in the head where nausea and vomiting are NOT typically present. Headaches can be triggered by stress, lack of sleep, weakness of deep cervical neck flexors, tightness of surrounding musculature or poor eating habits. Who is … Continue reading Tension Type Headache: Finding Relief
Strength vs Endurance
There is a purpose for each and it’s important to consider one’s goals when choosing what route you want to take. Typically cycling between the two makes for a well balanced athlete. When training for strength, it’s best to increase the weight and decrease the rep range. This is because the increased weight will tax … Continue reading Strength vs Endurance
Ice, Ice, Maybe?!
Why ice to begin with?Ice is used to limit the injury-induced damage by reducing the temperature of the tissues at the site of injury and consequently reducing metabolic demand, promoting vasoconstriction and slow or limit bleeding. Also used for its ability to reduce pain by increasing threshold levels by increasing nerve conduction latency to promote … Continue reading Ice, Ice, Maybe?!
Plantar Fasciitis: Tips & Tricks to Becoming Pain Free
Plantar Fasciitis is diagnosed when an individual presents with pain on the medial side of the heel, most noticeable with initial steps after a period of inactivity and lessens with increasing activity during the day. Symptoms tend to be worse immediately in the morning, after long periods of inactivity, and prolonged weight bearing (hello nursing … Continue reading Plantar Fasciitis: Tips & Tricks to Becoming Pain Free
Pain, Discomfort or Unsure on Your Deadlift Form?
Check out this video, and let @allieoplinger walk you through all the tips and tricks!Benefits of Deadlifting: It is a functional movement (I.e. you do this movement throughout the day without evening knowing- example picking something up off the floor)It works many different muscle groups: flutes, hamstrings, upper and lower back muscles, grip strength. and especially core … Continue reading Pain, Discomfort or Unsure on Your Deadlift Form?
Functional Dry Needling: What’s The Point?
What is it? Functional dry needling is a technique utilized by physical therapists in order to relieve a trigger point. So, what’s a trigger point? In the simplest form, it is a long lasting, small muscle cramp. This taut band prevents an area of the muscle and all of its involved smaller muscle fibers from … Continue reading Functional Dry Needling: What’s The Point?
Words That Harm, Words That Heal
“You have the worst knee I’ve ever seen”, “your MRI shows you have the back of an old man”, “you have degenerative disc disease”, or “ watch out how you move, or your back will fall out of place”. Any of these make you feel good? These are quotes that I’ve had from patients in … Continue reading Words That Harm, Words That Heal
Anterior Knee Pain: More Than A Diagnosis
Did you know that Patellar Femoral Pain Syndrome is the MOST common knee pathology the general population will encounter? 1/4 people will fall under this “diagnosis” throughout their lifetime and there is NO OPTIMAL treatment. But if it is so common, how have we not figured out a gold standard treatment yet? Is this diagnosis … Continue reading Anterior Knee Pain: More Than A Diagnosis