Empower U


Strength vs Endurance

May 15, 2020

There is a purpose for each and it’s important to consider one’s goals when choosing what route you want to take. Typically cycling between the two makes for a well balanced athlete.

When training for strength, it’s best to increase the weight and decrease the rep range. This is because the increased weight will tax the muscles at a much higher rate. Strength focuses on the muscle’s capability to do more work and contract at a greater resistance.

When training for endurance, you will want to keep the weight lighter to moderate and increase the rep range. Endurance can also be achieved by what we call “time under tension” aka TUT training. This is where you should push past the muscle fatigue stage and go for a few more reps or seconds. The goal of endurance is to increase our muscle’s working capacity in order to perform work over a greater period of time. More endurance equals greater length of time before the muscle fatigues. With at home workouts and not having access to heavy weights, this is a great time to work on muscle endurance!

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