Empower U


Three Shoulder Strength Exercises for the Unstable Shoulder

January 26, 2022

If you have a history of a shoulder joint dislocation or subluxation there is a good chance you now have recurring episodes with workouts or even daily life. The goal of non operative management is to work on stability and Centration of the shoulder joint.

Centration is the ability to center the ball (humerus) inside the socket (glenoid), or more appropriate the golf ball on the tee. The shoulder joint is a very mobile joint that requires a significant amount of dynamic stability from surrounding muscles, i.e. the rotator cuff and deltoid muscles. The goal of strengthening these muscles is to prevent surgery and continue to have a normal active quality of life without fear of re-injury.

Today we highlight three exercises that you can do daily that focus on shoulder stability and strengthening the muscles that dynamically stabilize the shoulder joint.

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