Empower U


Quad Dominance

February 2, 2022

The Bane of Your Knee Pain Existence

A Quad dominant movement pattern is defined as a disportioncate ratio of increased activation of our front thigh muscles (quadriceps and hip flexors) compared to our posterior chain musculature (glutes and hamstrings) to stabilize our hip and knee joints. Quad dominance is often seen in the rehab world with those experiencing anterior knee pain and may be aggravated with jumping and/or squats. Below are quad dominant movement characteristics:

Quad Dominant Signs

1. Our weight and trunk tend to be shifted towards the knee joints with jumping and squats.

2. Weight distribution through our feet is towards our toes.

3. Decreased squat depth with jumping and when we squat.

Does any of the above sound like you? Check out the video to see what quad vs. non quad dominant movement looks like!

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