Empower U


Plantar Fasciitis: Tips & Tricks to Becoming Pain Free

May 6, 2020

Plantar Fasciitis is diagnosed when an individual presents with pain on the medial side of the heel, most noticeable with initial steps after a period of inactivity and lessens with increasing activity during the day. Symptoms tend to be worse immediately in the morning, after long periods of inactivity, and prolonged weight bearing (hello nursing friends!). Plantar fascial pain is most common unilaterally, and is bilaterally (both feet) in 30% of the cases and 80% of cases have increased tightness and discomfort of the Achilles tendon and calf muscle. To relieve pain of the calf and foot, give these a shot:

  1. Seated Gastroc Stretch: Research indicates THREE minutes of stretching at a time for three times per day, OR five 20sec intervals 2x daily.
  2. Myofascial Release of Gastroc: Performed on a tennis ball, massage track ball or foam roller. Eliciting a pin-and-stretch technique discussed in pervious post. The gastroc/soleous (calf muscles) attach to the Achilles tendon that attaches to the bottom of the foot which is called our plantar fascia.
  3. Golf Ball Release: This tends to be more intense for the majority of people. Myofascial release techniques are meant to be tolerable but uncomfortable.
  4. Tai-Plane Heel Raises: After we stretch the muscles and tendons we now can correct and strengthen the muscle itself. The calf muscle is football-ish shaped so changing our foot direction applies tension to different areas of the foot and calf muscles.

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