Empower U


Pain Management and Functional Movement Courses

August 11, 2021

What are they?

Our PM&FM courses are an intricate part of our core focus at Empower U. Simply put, they are one-hour courses focused on reducing pain, improving overall function, and reducing the cost of medical bills. These courses are completely interactive, so expect to put some work in and sweat a little bit! Some of our courses cover Low back pain, Hip and Knee pain, Shoulder pain, and we have a few more releasing soon!

Why do We do them?

EDUCATION. Knowledge is power. By providing these courses our hope is that you leave with a better understanding of how you move and some valuable tips and strategies to mitigate injury risk and optimize movement quality. Through these courses we go over what the research actually says, debunk common myths, and unveil common issues that many clients can FIX themselves without expensive equipment or costly medical procedures.

Where can I attend a course?

These courses are typically open to the public and we post them on Social Media and our Website. If you are in the Sioux Falls area you can catch a course regularly at one of our 7 local affiliates that host throughout the year. We also have had courses throughout South Dakota in Yankton, Brookings, Spearfish, Mitchell, and soon-to-be in Watertown. If you are interested in hosting a course at your gym or city, send us a message or comment below and we would love to connect!

Schedule An Appointment

Please fill out this form and
we will contact you about scheduling.

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