Empower U


Mobility vs Stability: Which One is More Important?

March 26, 2020

Mobility is defined as our ability to move freely at a specific joint or area of the body while stability is a combination of resistance around a joint to prevent movement. So which one is more important? The easy answer, both. The best answer is more related to YOU. What are YOU looking to do? What are YOUR daily activities? The art of health and performance is defined by what’s important to you.

When treating the majority of my athletes I preach: mobility, mobility, mobility than stability. We need a combination of both to accomplish daily tasks to not only make them pain-free, but more efficient.

Squat: hip mobility is pivotal in order to control the knees, ankle dorsiflexion is a must, and mid-spine mobility keeps us upright.

Turkish Get-Up: Shoulder flexion with a combination of thoracic extension, with great hip flexion and external rotation.

All the motions: stable spine, stable shoulders, stable knees.

To know how to elevate your performance, find and know your deficits. In the upcoming posts, I challenge you to complete the workouts, discover what feels weak, most sore, or immobile and find a solution. This page is designed to Empower U with treatment techniques to help elevate you, to the best version of you there is.

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