Medial ankle pain is pain that develops on the inside of the ankle. There are many structures that run on the medial portion of the ankle that can be a source of pain (i.e. ligament, nerve, tendon, fascia). One specific condition is tendinitis of the Tibialis Posterior tendon. This tendon originates from its muscle belly on the posterior (back side) portion of the leg and runs down to the ankle where it becomes its tendinous structure and attaches into the foot. It acts as a dynamic stabilizer and arch supporter of the foot, as this tendon runs directly underneath our arch. It can become overworked and inflamed with excessive foot pronation.
It is a common injury we see in runners, and athletes/fitness enthusiasts who perform a high level of jumping or plyometrics. There are specific contributing factors to developing tibialis posterior tendinitis which include reduction in ankle mobility, and strength and neuromuscular control of the tibialis posterior tendon. Try these exercises to improve your ankle mobility and strength, and/or to address any medial ankle pain you may be having!