Empower U


Low Back Pain: Essential 3

April 1, 2020

Low Back Pain: Essential 3 where we discuss three essential exercises to help rid you of your low back pain. As always, if this helps but doesn’t rid you of your pain let us know and set up an appointment today!

  1. We are applying a myofascial release (similar to foam rolling) technique by applying a massage track ball to the affected area. From here we are applying different low back and hip movements to make this a “functional movement”. WARNING: not a comfortable technique but is very effective. Defines a love-hate relationship.
  2. The Couch Stretch is looking to open up our sitting muscles. These muscles tighten up due to hobbies: sitting while we work, sitting while watching TV, or sitting for long periods of time debating what you’ll do after quarantine.
  3. Lastly, we have the Tri-Plane Hamstring stretch. Our body doesn’t work in only one plane of motion so why would we only stretch in one? If the hips move easier, our low back doesn’t have to work as hard to make up for lost motion. Ideally, this will lead us to a life of less pain! The product I am using is from Deep Recovery called massage track balls, which are my favorite product to use in clinic. Cheap, and easy to use. This can be supplemented with a tennis ball, or lacrosse ball.

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