Empower U


Landmine Press for Shoulder Pain

June 16, 2021

2020 wasn’t easy. For many, the pandemic coming into full swing was just the tip of the ice burg. Personally, in 2020 I had experienced some of the lowest points in my life with no exaggeration, but through that 2020 will end up being one of the greatest years of my life.

March 2nd my son was born & March 24th my daughter turned 2. End of June Empower U saw it’s very first client. In August I eclipsed working with over 100 different clients who believed in themselves & my skills in order to assist them in meeting goals they hoped their body could achieve. By the end of December Empower U has hired an incredible employee & person. As of January 1st, Tyler Anderson will become a partner to Empower U to further create stability & aim to grow our small business.

Through COVID-19, losing a job, & staring at a mountain of the unknown, I couldn’t be happier with where life has taken myself, my family & the Empower U team into 2021. This post is simply a “thank you” to everyone who has “liked”, shared, commented, followed, worked with, affiliated with or shared kind words about Empower U. We will continue to provide the BEST possible care for you & your families into 2021 & well beyond.
Cheers to what lies ahead for 2021, where I can enjoy more moments on the weekend (like in this photo) and where I proudly wear my logo for our clients and my family.

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