Empower U


HUGE Announcement

May 18, 2022

We are incredibly excited to announce the addition of an entirely new branch of Empower U called Move U!

What is Move U?

Move U is a Cash-Based Pediatric Occupational Therapy section of Empower U in the Sioux Falls metro. Move U will partner with the Yaks Give Back Non Profit foundation, and OT treatments will be at the beautiful @aagasiouxfalls facility. Alongside treating OT clients, a core focus of Move U will be to build awareness of social acceptance and integration of children of all physical and cognitive abilities.

Spearheading this exciting new venture will be our newest employee and Director of Move U, Kristin Wittmayer. Keep an eye out to learn more about Kristin and Move U.

Have questions about our services or want to book an appointment? Message us, and we would be happy to help!

Schedule An Appointment

Please fill out this form and
we will contact you about scheduling.

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