Empower U


Functional Dry Needling: What’s The Point?

April 29, 2020

What is it? Functional dry needling is a technique utilized by physical therapists in order to relieve a trigger point. So, what’s a trigger point? In the simplest form, it is a long lasting, small muscle cramp. This taut band prevents an area of the muscle and all of its involved smaller muscle fibers from firing correctly. When the body recognizes this area and is unable to relieve it on its own the body releases chemicals to the area making it hypersensitive to now to along with this small “cramping” area.

Does it hurt? The therapist strives for the twitch response. The twitch is essentially the trigger point letting go, much like a reset button. My best description is a “hurt so good” for when the twitch is elicited to the soreness that follows.

What’s making the muscles move in the video? After we stimulate a twitch response or find the desired muscles with the point of the needle we can add electrical stimulation. The stimulation allows the therapist to re-educate the muscles with a contract/relax pulsing sensation.

Is it magic? Magic? No. Have I found it effective in my practice? Most definitely. The key to trigger point and functional dry needling is the additive exercise and mobility work that drive towards the same goal of pain relief, function, or both.

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