Asymmetries: Finding a Balance

image of woman doing warrior three yoga pose in blog post on natural body asymmetries

If you have been following us and reading our content, you quickly learn that we believe quality movement matters. Having said that we understand that there are natural body asymmetries. There are various structural asymmetries inherent to the human body. Some of these include vital organ placement, lung size difference, and occasional true leg length differences people are born with. Often, asymmetries can also develop from habitual work postures or sitting in the same spot on the couch to every night. Finally, there are asymmetries that we develop on purpose such as a baseball player that needs increased range of motion on his throwing shoulder.

During your appointment we will perform a total body movement assessment. Included in this assessment is identifying any possible gross asymmetries. Often, these right vs left asymmetries may not be natural body asymmetries. If you have a notable difference in your ability to perform a straight leg raise laying on your back, chances are there will visible compensations in your barbell deadlift. Our treatment will be focused on removing the barriers that prevent you from performing that straight leg raise. Thus, resulting in a cleaner deadlift.

By no means, will we be able to achieve movement perfection or improve all our asymmetries. Physical Therapist Gray Cook uses the example of hypertension. In this example, you’re considered hypertensive if your blood pressure is above a certain point. Right above that point your considered hypertensive, below it your not. The same can be said with regard to body movement. There is a point where too much unwanted asymmetry could result in future injury. If you can’t perform a single leg squat on one leg, but are perfect on the other, something will eventually go wrong when loading up the barbell for a max attempt.

If you have struggled with certain exercises in the gym and are frustrated that you can’t find the reason why…Come see us! Don’t let pain start before you give us a call. Let us help you improve movement capacity and crush your goals. That is Performance Therapy.