Empower U


Acute Hamstring Strain Rehab (0-14 Days)

January 12, 2022

Open up to sprint and the sniper took you out on the back of your leg 😣

Did you know hamstring strains are the most common injury in sports 🤯

You are also more likely to have a hamstring strain if you have had one previously in life. They can be very painful and frustrating to try and return to normal activities. There are multiple types of hamstring injuries that can occur including location and severity. Today we cover active work for a typical mid muscle belly Grade 2-3 injury that you can do during the first couple of weeks to set yourself up well for the next phase, which includes more loading and strengthening progressions.

Typically these exercises can be sore and painful the first few days so listen to your body and work up to tolerance over the first couple of weeks!

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