Empower U


Hip Impingement

September 1, 2021

Hip impingement is a diagnosis that is commonly seen with pain in the front of the hip. This pain occurs in the actual ball and socket joint of the hip. Pinching can occur between the head of the femur onto the front cartilage extension (acetabulum) of the hip socket. Typically we see this type of injury develop in those who have troubles performing deep squats in the weight room and also sport populations that require a high volume of hip endurance/strength and change in direction (i.e. soccer, hockey). One intervention to help with this condition is addressing the joint capsule mobility of the hip. If the joint capsule is tight, this can lead to an increased approximation of the bony head of the femur onto the acetabulum of the hip. Creating more mobility of the hips can reduce this and allow our hips to move more freely, especially at the bottom of a squat! Try these two banded joint mobility exercises and let us know what you think!

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