Empower U

Nerve Pain in Sioux Falls and Omaha

Finding Relief from Nerve Pain at Empower U in Sioux Falls and Omaha

Intense, burning nerve pain preventing you from living an active, fulfilling life? At Empower U, our physical therapists utilize targeted, research-backed treatments to finally help you overcome nerve pain. If you’re an athlete, former athlete, or active in any way and suffering from radiating, tingling, or stabbing nerve pain, we understand the frustration and despair you may feel. Once enjoyable activities now cause distress, robbing you of independence and worsening your mental health. However, with our innovative therapies, many clients find meaningful relief. Read on to discover how.

What Is Nerve Pain and Why Does It Matter?

Nerve pain, also termed neuralgia, arises from irritated or damaged nerves incorrectly signaling pain. Unlike sore muscles which recede with rest, nerve discomfort persists for months or years, progressively worsening over time.

While symptoms differ based on the affected nerves’ location, common manifestations include:

  • Prickling, burning, stabbing, or shooting pains
  • Numbness and tingling
  • Heightened sensitivity to touch or temperature changes
  • Muscle weakness or spasms
  • Reduced coordination and range of motion

If left untreated, nerve pain significantly diminishes your sleep quality and emotional health while limiting your mobility. Movements that once felt effortless now require Herculean effort. What’s worse, ignoring symptoms enables them to become ingrained, and more challenging to address through therapy later on. But with prompt, expert care, you can finally reclaim your active way of life.

What Causes This Agonizing Nerve Discomfort?

Nerve pain stems from multiple causes, including:

  • Pinched or compressed nerves: Herniated discs, bone spurs, pregnancy, and repetitive motions pinch nerves, resulting in sciatica or carpal tunnel syndrome.
  • Chronic diseases: Diabetes, shingles, multiple sclerosis, and fibromyalgia create nerve inflammation.
  • Injuries: Sports collisions, falls, and accidents physically damage nerves.
  • Infections: Viruses, bacteria, and shingles infections cause swelling.
  • Autoimmune disorders: Diseases like rheumatoid arthritis attack healthy nerve tissues.

While medications like gabapentin or amitriptyline provide short-term relief for some, long-term use risks addiction and adverse effects. For others, injections and surgery carry risks without resolving the root disorder-triggering symptoms. Targeted physical therapy optimized for nerve health delivers lasting relief without medications or their side effects.

Regain Your Freedom with Personalized Nerve Pain Therapies in Sioux Falls and Omaha

Through manual therapy, guided exercises, and cutting-edge modalities, your expert physical therapist identifies and treats the underlying cause of your discomfort, not just the symptoms. We empower you to intuitively sense movements and postures that aggravate or alleviate your pain while optimizing nerve mobility and function. Common treatment methods include:

1. Pain Management and Desensitization
From gentle joint mobilizations to electrical stimulation to contrast baths, your therapist employs techniques that manage pain signals, promote circulation, and retrain nerves. Massage, stretching, and targeted exercises also desensitize nerves to touch and motion.

2. Improving Range of Motion and Flexibility
Restricted joint mobility and muscular tightness worsen nerve pain and limit function. Your therapist develops customized treatment and home exercise programs improving flexibility and range of motion. This reduces stiffness while taking pressure off affected nerves.

3. Neuromodulation Techniques
Using innovative methods like mirror therapy, graded motor imagery, and biofeedback, your nervous system learns to transmit more accurate signals. This reorganization called neuroplasticity often decreases pain over time.

4. Education and Self-Management
Understanding your condition and learning techniques to independently manage symptoms empowers recovery. Your therapist equips you with at-home relaxation, body awareness, and pacing strategies reducing flare-ups. We also provide exercise handouts, email/video follow-ups, and guidance using braces or taping techniques as needed. Over 90% of clients experience less pain, improved sleep, and increased function within 12 visits.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does nerve pain feel like?
Nerve pain manifests differently depending on the affected nerves but generally feels like burning, stabbing, tingling, or electrical sensations that may radiate from the spine or limbs. Unlike sore muscles, it persists for extended periods.

How do you make nerve pain go away?
While medications only temporarily mask discomfort, targeted physical therapy treats the underlying condition irritating nerves to provide sustained relief. Techniques like joint mobilization and neuromodulation retrain nerves and the nervous system to reduce signals interpreted as pain.

Which medicine is best for nerve pain?
Medications like gabapentin (Neurontin) or duloxetine (Cymbalta) alleviate certain types of nerve pain short term. However, physical therapy optimizes long-term nerve health without risks of medication dependence or side effects. Your provider determines whether medication combined with therapy makes sense based on your symptoms.

What causes nerve pain to come and go?
Nerve pain often worsens with activities putting pressure on affected nerves or with weather changes. Stress and poor sleep also exacerbate discomfort. Practicing pain management and self-care techniques helps clients better control their symptoms long-term.

Take Control of Your Nerve Pain in Sioux Falls and Omaha Today!

Don’t wait and risk worsening pain and disability limiting your independence. Our proven approach combines hands-on therapy, guided exercise, and self-care education – delivering lasting relief without medications. Call now to learn how we can help you reclaim your active way of life or request an appointment. We look forward to helping you thrive.

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Travis Saxer

I’ve seen Tyler for various things over the past 3 years. He’s helped me overcome injuries and come back stronger. He has help rehabilitate old injuries that I thought I’d have to live with forever. Most recently, for the past year, we rehabbed a rotator cuff to prevent having to do surgery. The combination of skill, dry needling, massage, stretching and exercise has me back to doing almost everything in my workouts normally. I’m thankful I was introduced to Tyler and Empower U! They are the first ones I send people to when they are complaining about paint or restricted movement.

Kristin Rotert

Empower U has the best physical therapists and movement specialists I’ve ever worked with. I’ve seen tons of doctors/trainers/PT’s for neck and back pain over the years and finally found success working with Nate at Empower U. Their approach to treating and healing their athletes is more effective than traditional physical therapy. The treatment combination of dry needling, hands on muscle work, and strength and mobility exercises gets to the root cause of your pain. They are professional, knowledgeable, personable, and are worth every penny!