Empower U

Joint Pain in Sioux Falls and Omaha

Regaining Mobility: How Empower U Helps Relieve Joint Pain in Sioux Falls and Omaha

If limiting joint pain is preventing you from living your active, athletic lifestyle, the physical therapists at Empower U use proven techniques to reduce inflammation, strengthen muscles, restore range of motion, and empower each client to effectively manage discomfort.

Aching hips, knees grounding your golf swing, nagging shoulder tightness disrupting your tennis game — joint pain manifests in diverse ways. But it often shares a common root: physical stress, underlying conditions, or simple wear-and-tear. While anti-inflammatories and rest help temporarily, lasting relief requires targeted treatment. Our Empower U therapists leverage manual therapy, modalities, and customized exercise to attack joint pain’s source. We aim to strengthen supportive musculature, lubricate stiff joints, establish healthy movement patterns, and provide personalized strategies for self-care.

An Integrated Approach to Relieving Joint Discomfort in Sioux Falls and Omaha

With expertise in orthopedic rehabilitation and sports medicine, our therapists have worked with everyone from youth athletes to weekend warriors recovering from injuries. We understand joint pain significantly impacts quality of life and independence.
That is why our integrated treatment model addresses both physical and educational needs:

1. Treating the Body

  • Manual Therapy – Hands-on techniques like joint mobilization and myofascial release alleviate muscle tightness and stiffness to improve motion and function. Targeted massage increases blood flow, reduces swelling, and enhances healing.
  • Modalities – Electrical stimulation, ultrasound, cold laser, ice, heat, and traction manage acute pain episodes and inflammation while facilitating rehabilitation.
  • Therapeutic Exercise – Our therapists design customized routines featuring stretches, strengthening, stability training, and aerobic activity tailored to each client’s condition and goals. This restores joint stability, mobility and strength.

2. Empowering the Person
Beyond the physical techniques conducted in-clinic, we empower clients to take an active role managing their condition through education on:

  • Joint Protection – Strategies like activity modification, use of assistive devices, and adapting movement patterns prevent future joint stress and injury.
  • Home Exercise Programming – Clients learn easy stretches, strengthening exercises, and self-massage techniques to continue progress outside appointments.
  • Wellness Education – Knowledge of joint health allows clients to make informed lifestyle choices that reduce pain triggers related to diet, activity levels or poor mechanics.

This comprehensive approach delivers lasting results you feel at home, work or play without recurring appointments or constant discomfort.

Who Benefits From Physical Therapy For Joint Pain Relief?

Those suffering from either acute or chronic symptoms in the knees, hips, shoulders, hands, or neck can find relief through targeted rehabilitation.
You may benefit if joint pain interferes with your:

  • Athletics – Frequent knee discomfort sidelines your running training. Shoulder impingement hinders proper throwing mechanics. Stiff hips affect batting power.
  • Work – Repetitive neck, wrist or hand motions spark increased ache making daily tasks uncomfortable. Pain hinders productivity.
  • Mobility – Stairs climbing aggravates knee arthritis. Shoulder arthritis causes sleep disruptions. Back tightness makes picking items off the floor impossible.
  • Wellbeing – Joint discomfort drains energy levels, disrupts sleep and daily routines, creating emotional and mental duress.

Whether an existing athletic injury, occupational hazard, effects of aging, or consequence of high-impact activities, our therapists can help anyone seeking to restore comfortable joint function. If you played team sports growing up or still enjoy regular athletic activity as an adult, early intervention can mean the difference between being forced to the sidelines or thriving pain-free.

Frequently Asked Questions

When Should I Worry About Joint Pain?

  • Pain lasts longer than 48 hours after activity or injury
  • Swelling in a joint – may signal damage
  • Feelings of stiffness/instability – potential ligament/muscle weakness
  • Significantly hinders participation in sports, work or daily tasks
  • Other symptoms arise like numbness or widespread muscle weakness

If pain persists longer than two days, rapidly worsens, or impacts normal function, seeking help speeds recovery.

What Helps Painful Joints?
Our therapists utilize manual techniques, electrical stimulation, cold laser/ice, custom exercises and education on joint protection/self-care. Improving mobility while strengthening support muscles provides lasting relief. Over-the-counter anti-inflammatories and activity modification help temporarily.

What Can Cause Joint Pain All Over The Body?

  • Chronic inflammatory conditions like rheumatoid arthritis or lupus
  • Infection spreading through bloodstream
  • Medication side effects
  • Anxiety causing muscle tension
  • Poor posture leading to mechanical stress

Pinpointing primary cause is key. Blood tests check for autoimmune disorders or infection. Our experts examine biomechanics/movement patterns for other contributors.

Why Are All My Joints Suddenly Hurting?
Sudden widespread pain may signal an underlying condition like fibromyalgia. Tracking symptoms and recent changes helps determine causes like:

  • Viral infection putting stress on muscles/joints
  • Medication changes – certain drugs cause ache
  • Injury overworking one area leading to compensation pain
  • Environmental factors like cold weather sparking flare-ups

Thorough assessment, correction of movement dysfunction, pain relief modalities and self-care education provide paths to restore comfort and ease.

Your Path to Lasting Relief Starts Here

Our Empower U physical therapists leverage an integrated approach including manual therapy, customized exercise, modalities, and client education to help you move comfortably again. We create individualized treatment plans addressing the mechanical dysfunction and pain triggers unique to your situation. Whether an existing injury, managing a chronic condition like arthritis, or aiming to prevent future joint degeneration, we develop personalized strategies allowing you to pursue an active lifestyle. To get started on the path to regaining mobility and defeating joint pain once and for all, call our Sioux Falls and Omaha or Omaha, NE clinic or request an appointment online to schedule a thorough evaluation. We look forward to helping you move confidently again soon!

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Nicole Ahlers

I went to PT for my planter fasciitis at a different place for 5 months and spent lots of money and no results, so I figured I’d try Empower U. I have had great results in 1/4 the amount of sessions as before. I worked with Mary and she listened to what my body and me were saying and adjusted the treatment based on that. She didn’t just give me exercises to do she assessed me, dry needled, and pressure pointed the tight spots. She remembered our sessions every week and what we did so that she could either repeat off good results or tweak them, she gave me great advice for running and overall listened to my thoughts of how my body was reacting. 100 percent recommend Empower U.

Krista Hardy

Dealing with chronic neck pain was something I had just accepted as part of my thirties. After just a handful of sessions, Tyler was able to identify the problem muscles in my neck and relieve the tension to allow me to regain normal range of motion after a decade of neck mobility limitations. He has also identified other issues, such as limited thoracic movement, that I didn’t appreciate how significantly it was affecting me until after Tyler had diagnosed the issue. In addition to the aches and pains of getting older I had one episode of acute back pain that he was able to literally resolve in one session. If you have any acute or chronic pain or discomfort, do not hesitate and contact Tyler for a consultation and assessment. The immediate results are amazing within even one session! The only risk is that you will feel younger!